We were very lucky to be without power only a few days. Only 20% of the county has the power back. Thanks to Dennis and his friends in Orlando we had a generator after the second day. Angela and Steve spent 12 hours driving to Orlando and back stopping at Home Depots and Walmarts along the way looking for supplies. We have some damage. All of our glass sliding doors are broken (not the glass). They were forced out of their track and all the wheels on the bottom are broken. We have some roof leaks, no screen left and a ton of trees damaged. But all in all I think we were lucky. After spending a few hours in the bathroom with 5 people, 2 dogs, 1 cat and a ferret, we came out to a house with a roof and cars still in the driveway. The cars were all damaged but they were there! Now if we could just find gas! Angie and I stayed in line Thursday from 5am to 9:45 only to be told they had no gas. We did get $40 worth Friday morning. We got to the station at about 4:45 and had gas by 8:15. I expect the gas situation to improve greatly over the next few days. Today (Saturday), we're off to the Keys to cleanup and repair what we can. We've heard that some of our siding is missing but that the interior is undamaged. The storm surge must have been 7 or 8 feet at our house there since the wave runners floated off of the dock. Luckily they were tied down and when the water receded landed (softly I hope) back on the dock. The water, we also heard, flooded under our house so all of our storage is sure to be a smelly mess but at least the inside wasn't affected.

11/1/05 - I can't believe that now our development is flooded! I added the pictures to the end of this group.

Click on a picture to see the enlargement or CLICK HERE to scroll through them all.

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